The slides are now available for all of the presentations that took place at ALA Annual 2014 Conference in Las Vegas. Here are the links:
Metadata Migration to Islandora: Is There an Easy Way? Presented by Sai Deng, Metadata Librarian and Associate Librarian, University of Central Florida Libraries
Discovering Isaac Leeser: Improving access to text collections with TEI markup Presented by Nicole Arbuckle, Vice President, Metadata Services, Backstage Library Works, and David McKnight, Director, Rare Book & Manuscript Library, University of Pennsylvania
Moving Beyond the “Back Room”: The Expanded Role for Metadata and Catalog Librarians On Campus Lisa McFall, Metadata and Catalog Librarian, Hamilton College
Consultative Metadata Services at Cornell University Library
Jason Kovari, Head of Metadata Services and Web Archivist, Humanities & Special Collections, Cornell University
Vocabularies for Open Access
Ben Showers, Head of Scholarly and Library Futures, Jisc
Update on NISO’s Open Access Metadata and Indicators Working Group
Nettie Lagace, Associate Director for Programs, National Information Standards Organization (NISO)